3 Active Recovery Workouts for Your Next Rest Day

Let’s be real -- many of us get a bit antsy, anxious and unsettled when it’s “off day” ...

6 Ways to Improve Your Vo2 Max

Vo2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during exercise....

What Muscle Groups Are Best to Work Out Together

Chest and Back, Bis and Tris, Back and Biceps, Upper / Lower Splits, Full Body workouts...

Why All Females Should Lift Weights

Resistance training (aka weight lifting or strength training) has largely been viewed a...

Top 5 Benefits of Lifting Heavy

There are no shortcuts or “hacks'' when it comes to losing weight or building muscle an...

How to Fix Muscle Imbalances

The majority of us train to look good and feel good.   If you follow a good training pr...

7 Workout Accessories That’ll Improve Your Workout Flow

Consistency and effort are key to seeing results from your workout program. However, ev...

Training to Failure - Is It Necessary for Building Muscle, Losing Fat, or Gaining Strength?

In school, we understand that failure (i.e. getting an F on a test) isn’t a good thing....

Working Out at Night - Pros & Cons

For decades it has been thought that exercising at night would hurt a person’s ability ...

Leg Press Foot Placement Variations

There are dozens of ways to build bigger, stronger legs, but few can match the power, p...