Top 5 Moves to Target Your Abs That Aren’t Sit Ups

To this day, there is one exercise that is more synonymous with 6-pack abs than any oth...

How Often Should I Change Reps?

Ever since muscle confusion became mainstream in the early 2000s (largely thanks to the...

The 5 Biggest Workout Mistakes

Workout programs are a dime-a-dozen. At one time (pre-internet and social media), bodyb...

Slow Reps vs Fast Reps. Which Are Better For Muscle Growth

When it comes to an effective muscle building workout, there are a number of factors to...

How “Muscle Flossing” Can Improve Mobility and Decrease Pain

We all love the feeling of satisfaction (and relief!) after finishing a tough workout. ...

Strength Training Secrets for Cardio Bunnies

Are you someone who loves cardiovascular exercise but is intimidated by weight lifting?...

Pre-Workout vs Energy Drinks

If you love to hit the gym, get a pump, break a sweat, and/or burn calories, then you'r...

3 Benefits of Wearable Weights and When to Use Them

Exercise has been shown time and time again to be an important part of healthy living. ...

Cycling vs Walking: Which is the best workout for you?

Aerobic exercise (“cardio”) is an important part of physical and mental health. It incr...

In a Workout Rut - Here’s How to Get Out of It and Get Your Fitness Back on Track

Are you feeling stuck in your fitness routine?   Do you dread going to the gym or goin...

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