Slow Reps vs Fast Reps. Which Are Better For Muscle Growth

When it comes to an effective muscle building workout, there are a number of factors to...

How “Muscle Flossing” Can Improve Mobility and Decrease Pain

We all love the feeling of satisfaction (and relief!) after finishing a tough workout. ...

Strength Training Secrets for Cardio Bunnies

Are you someone who loves cardiovascular exercise but is intimidated by weight lifting?...

3 Benefits of Wearable Weights and When to Use Them

Exercise has been shown time and time again to be an important part of healthy living. ...

Cycling vs Walking: Which is the best workout for you?

Aerobic exercise (“cardio”) is an important part of physical and mental health. It incr...

In a Workout Rut - Here’s How to Get Out of It and Get Your Fitness Back on Track

Are you feeling stuck in your fitness routine?   Do you dread going to the gym or goin...

3 Active Recovery Workouts for Your Next Rest Day

Let’s be real -- many of us get a bit antsy, anxious and unsettled when it’s “off day” ...

6 Ways to Improve Your Vo2 Max

Vo2 max is a measure of the maximum amount of oxygen your body can use during exercise....

What Muscle Groups Are Best to Work Out Together

Chest and Back, Bis and Tris, Back and Biceps, Upper / Lower Splits, Full Body workouts...

Why All Females Should Lift Weights

Resistance training (aka weight lifting or strength training) has largely been viewed a...

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