What Is a Cutting Diet?

Looking to shed unwanted pounds, sculpt a lean physique, and transform your body inside...

7 Potential Reasons Why You’re Always Hungry and Tired

Feeling hungry and tired all the time is common when you’re dieting, but what if you’re...

7 Tips to Make Your Workout Routine More Sustainable

With warmer temperatures and more daylight, more and more of us are taking our workouts...

5 Tips to Help You Bounce Back Quickly After Being Sick

Being sick can be a challenging experience.   You feel physically and mentally drained,...

Benefits of Barefoot Training, Plus Exercises and Precautions

Barefoot training has become increasingly popular in recent years and for good reason. ...

1UP Joint Health Plus 101

Joint health.   It’s not as sexy of a topic or supplement category as, say, pre-workout...

1UP Hydration Plus 101

Proper hydration plays a critical role in workout performance, injury prevention, and r...

Why Do We Need Endorphins?

What Are Endorphins?   Endorphins are the body’s natural opioids -- neuropeptides (brai...

Research Update: Early Morning Workouts Linked with Lower Body Weight

High levels of physical activity (regular exercise) offers the body many benefits. It: ...

Hydrolyzed Collagen Peptides PLUS 101

A strong, healthy, beautiful body starts on the inside -- what we eat and drink (as wel...