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Male Transformation - Mario Lezziero

Download the 1UP Fitness APP and sign up for the 8 week Summer 1UP Transformation challenge Today!


Congratulations to our 2021 Spring 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Male 1st place $10,000 cash prize winner Mario Lezziero @mlezziero 


This is his story


“ I decided to join the 1UP Transformation Challenge hoping to improve my physical and mental health. It’s one of the best decisions I’ve ever made…an eye opener. It confirmed I can achieve anything I want in life if I set my mind to it.


2 1/2 years ago I was struck by a car while riding a motorized scooter. It was terrifying! The accident caused severe nerve damage to my spine/back, injuries to my extremities and brain damage. I endured numerous months of physical therapy, Dr. visits/treatments, and 2 spinal surgeries. The road to recovery, which I’m still undergoing, has been grueling. The inability to work out for such a long period of time led me to obesity. My self esteem reached an all time low, leading me into depression as a result.


Recently, my doctor informed me I had developed severe high blood pressure and had become pre-diabetic. I was advised to make serious changes to avoid additional health issues. Days later, I came across the 1UP Transformation Challenge. I knew my workouts would have to be very limited, due to my injuries, but I decided to give it my best. My excruciating back pain prevents me from performing an array of activities, so I focused on my diet, low-impact cardio, isometric exercises and used supplementation


In 8 weeks, I’m proud to say, I lost 76 pounds. I’ve not reached my ultimate goal, and may never due to my injuries, but I am now a healthier person. We all struggle with a variety of challenges but we must try our hardest to push forward, be strong, and believe in ourselves.


I’d like to thank my family and girlfriend for all their support; and mostly 1UP Nutrition for this incredible opportunity. Their guidance and superb supplements made all the difference! 1UP, you guys are truly changing lives for the better!


This challenge changed my life. It WILL change yours. It’s your time to shine!”


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