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Female Transformation- Courtney Arp

Download the 1UP Fitness APP and sign up for the 8 week Spring 1UP Transformation challenge Today!

Congratulations to our 2021 New Years 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Female 2nd place $6,000 cash prize winner Courtney Arp @courtneyelizabeth_fitness

This is her story

“Before I had my daughter 6 years ago, I always was pretty fit without trying. I worked full-time bartending and waiting tables and also rode horses and worked at the barn to help offset costs. Being so active I never really had to think much about my fitness and diet.

After I had my daughter, I started working much less. I brought my horses home so I didn’t have to work off their board anymore and I also had no motivation to ride anymore. Slowly but surely, I started gaining and gaining. At first it was slow and I was complacent with the fact that I just wasn’t going to carry a few extra pounds.

Once the pandemic hit, I started racking up those pounds even faster as I ate all my feelings away. By November of last year, I got to my biggest ever at 220 lbs and I finally looked at myself and said enough was enough. I wanted to fit in my clothes again, I wanted to be a better example for my daughter and most of all I wanted to ride again.

I started with the 1UP Nutrition Fall challenge last year but I never officially submitted my pictures, I just watched from the sidelines.

I signed up for the 2021 New Years Challenge and came in with my game face on! I crushed it and nailed every workout throughout the whole 8 weeks, ate healthy by following their meal plan and used many of their amazing supplements. It was such an honor to have placed second in the challenge, it was just a bonus though. My transformation has been nothing short of life changing. I feel amazing! I have so much energy, I feel like I’m actually a fun mom now instead of always sitting around wanting to be lazy. I am back riding my horses again and doing it very well for being out for 6+ years because I’m in such great shape!

My best advice is just keep going forward. It’s ok to slip up or to not be able to do it all at first, but I promise if you just keep trying you will start to see results and once you do you will want you to keep giving it your all!"


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