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Female Transformation - Kayla

Download the 1UP Fitness APP and sign up for the 8 week Summer 1UP Transformation challenge Today!


Congratulations to our 2021 Spring 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Female 3rd place $4,000 cash prize winner Kayla @halcie_balcie 


This is her story


“Would you believe me if I told you that my deciding factor on entering the challenge was a tea-bag? I've always wanted to do the 1UP Transformation Challenge, but I was so afraid that I would put myself out there only to fail; that I kept making up excuses about why it was better just not to try. Then one night I was making myself tea and the quote on the little tag caught my eye it said..."celebrate your success and failures; both require great courage". The next morning I printed out the form, took my pictures and started on a rather rocky beginning to my journey. My biggest challenge was overcoming the voice in the head that kept trying to get me to quit, the one that says you're not good enough...you will never be good enough no matter what you do. I always, always kept that quote in the back of my head though, and with a little more kindness and an amazing support system I saw progress little by little and that voice started to sound encouraging, loving, and motivated (even on the days where I "failed"). If I had to give any advice to someone getting into fitness I would say honestly and truly change one thing about yourself at a time, because one good change...just one good decision that you make for yourself can lead you to some of the best days of your life". Oh and ...listen to your tea bags! Sometimes you'll find your inspiration in the most unlikely places!"


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