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Ambassador Franke Mitrani

Please read his story 👇
A lot happened in between these 4 years, but there was one moment that changed my whole outlook on what i wanted to do and who I wanted to be, that was when I had torn my ACL. When I got the news from the doctor I was depressed, torn apart and I just couldn’t believe it. It was only the 3rd game into my sophomore season in college. I was the heaviest, fastest, and strongest I ever been and In the blink of an eye I had to start all over because of a freak injury. Life is always going to throw you curveballs but it’s what you do at the plate that determines your true character. I could’ve dwelled on the situation, given up and not cared, that’s easy to say and do right? It was a challenge everyday for me, but I was up for the fight, I was so determined on getting stronger and improving every day. I loved the feeling of making progress towards something and that’s what did It for me. I didn’t want to go back to playing soccer because I never wanted to suffer an injury like that again. One door closed and a new one opened. Ever since I fully recovered from my injury I never looked back. I continued to make progress not just in my physique but in my life as well. Fitness has made me stronger mentally, physically and emotionally like no other sport can do for me. Fitness is a pathway to a better life. If I can do it so can you, you’re no different from me. It’s a gift to be a human, we can achieve anything we put our mind to. Fall in love with the process and the destination will be limitless. NEVER GIVE UP!!! “


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