Congratulations to our dear customer and 8 week #1uptransformationchallenge participant Joseph McDonald @j.o.macfitness on a fantastic transformation!
This is his story
“ At the beginning of this year I was carrying more bodyfat than I ever had and I didn't feel good. My diet was poor, my sleep wasn't very good and I had not had a routine workout as a part of my lifestyle for YEARS. My wife mentioned the winter 1up challenge and the prospect of a cash prize and asked if I would participate with her. I was tired of not liking how I looked and felt it was time to do something about it. The 1up Transformation Challenge was exactly the external motivation I needed.
Having a competitive aspect to getting back into a healthy state gave me the discipline to clean up my eating habits. I began weighing ALL of my food and drinking way more water. I also quit consuming alcohol completely. Initially I was just working out at home with body weight exercises, adjustable dumbbells and a pull-up bar. Towards the end of the winter competition, we looked into a proper gym membership and signed up at Lifetime Fitness. I didn't place in either competition, but I had gained new, positive momentum and had truly incorporated eating better and working out into my lifestyle. Nine months later I look and feel better than I have since I was a much younger man. I am grateful for the change that this competition spurred within me!"