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Why You Shouldn't Train Abs First?

You ever have those days when you know you have to train a certain area, but you just do not feel like it (leg day for many)? You have been putting it off and putting it off and finally you want to get it over with. A particular mindset that can be spawned from this is to hit the area first, hit it quick, then move on to what you really want to train.


Another idea many people have is since a certain area needs some “extra attention”, it should be trained first as well. This is a good mindset with any weak points or almost all under developed muscles you may have.


Either way, core training seems to fit into these mindsets of “being trained first” the most when it comes to working out.


But training core first is a big “no-no”


The reason why training core first is taboo is based around one variable; infrastructure. Your core acts as your body’s stabilizer and balance. The core is highly engaged when working out, especially during bigger compound movements like squatting, deadlift, and bench pressing (to name a few).


A perfect analogy would be the infrastructure and even foundation of a building. The infrastructure and the foundation are going to be the most solid components of the building. Their job is to provide balance and stabilization.


What do you think would happen if someone heated up all the metal of the infrastructure and broke up the foundation of the building while it was still standing? The metal and iron of the infrastructure would get soft due to the heat and the foundation would become brittle and weak, causing the building to be in a much weaker state. This tell the same story when it comes to your core if you train it first before you go into lifting.


When you train your core in the beginning of your workout, those trunk muscles that help out with balance and stabilization get weakened and fatigued. So, by the time you go into your lifting routine, the very component of your body you need to help you with power, balance, and even agility is weakened down. This can lead to a diminished performance during your workout, weaker lifts, and even injury.


Get a good warm up in the beginning of your workout with some light stretching. Then go on into your lifting/fitness routine. When finished with all of that, give that core hell because you have no more need for it during your workout.


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