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Why Rest is Important

Rest is often overlooked in today’s culture. If you are asleep or doing nothing, you are falling behind. Everything is competition, even with yourself. In the gym, the mindset is even more popular.


Being in the gym signifies work, right? You are of course “working out”. So that must mean by default that if you are not in the gym, you’re not working, right?


So wrong.


Knowledge is power guys. Understanding how the body works, especially when it comes to working out is important to reaching goals, staying injury free, and being healthy.


The gym is for working out. It is a time to break the body down. Yes, it is true. All you are doing in the gym is breaking the body down. Do not think because you are acquiring these “pumps” and your body looks its best and even biggest that you are building. All these things are what is called “superficial” and eventually they will go away when you are done working out.


Your body needs rest to recover. Recover is needed to rebuild.


Rest>Recover>Rebuild…remember that.


If you are missing out on proper rest than your body is in a constant breakdown stage which will prevent recovery which will prevent, you got it, rebuilding.


When you miss out or avoid the proper amount of rest you are also tampering with the possibility of injury. Injuries are more susceptible because the muscles are in a state of fatigue, wear, and tear. They are not in a state to work. Also, when missing out on rest your central nervous system (CNS) can get tired as well. Your CNS is the pathway in which your brain communicates with your muscles. So, envision a highway with trash all over it and the painted lines are faded so cars are moving slow and not staying in their proper lanes. This is your CNS when you are over tired, and rest is needed. Rest will clear up those roads and repaint those lines.


Resting also prevent that development of plateauing or hitting a wall in your progress. By resting properly your body always comes back fresh and ready to work. When it is in a constant stage of breakdown and fatigue, it will soon let you know that is does not want to function or perform; therefore, your performance in the gym will be hindered thus causing your workouts to suck and your goals become more of challenge to reach.


Get your rest!


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