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Krebs Cycle

So, what is Krebs Cycle?


Krebs cycle is one of three metabolic pathways the body utilizes for energy production. Metabolism in general terms is the sum of all physical and chemical processes that occur in the body. You have ATP and glycolytic (say “glyco” then “lytic - that one was a freebie), which are used in anaerobic activity. These kinds of activity include quick sessions or bouts of output, such as weight lifting or even sprinting. The body does not need oxygen during these movements because the time lapse of energy requirement is minimal. However, when we run a long distance or do an extended bout of cardio, our bodies require more oxygen due to longer energy output. This is where Krebs cycle kicks in for energy production.


Krebs cycle is the slowest but the most manageable metabolic pathway for energy production. How? It produces more energy than any other metabolic pathway. Think of 3 factories, each producing their own product. The first 2 factories have the fastest workers and fastest assembly lines, but the workers are not that smart, the lines break down more frequent, and they are only open 8 hours a day. The 3rd factory has slower, but more dependable assembly lines and their workers are more knowledgeable in the products they make. Not only that, but they are up and running for 16 hours a day. So, where it lacks in speed compared to the other 2 factories, it makes up for production time and efficiency.


The 3rd factory is your Kreb cycle.


Now, to get a little more in depth with the effectiveness of Kreb cycle, let’s keep the factory analogy in mind. Remember, each factory produces a “product”. Let us say that product is energy. The thing that truly sets Kreb cycle apart from the other metabolic pathways is its ability to create a chemical reaction (metabolize) without using a lot of energy. So, this 3rd factory not only is more efficient with time, but the workers use less energy to make their product (which is oddly enough, energy).

How does Krebs cycle do this? Enzymes! If we all could try to remember Biology class, enzymes function is to reduce the amount of energy required for a chemical reaction so the body uses less energy to create more energy. Pretty cool, right?


So, when looking at your metabolism, remember that is the process of directing energy from whatever food you eat into promoting physical growth, development and activity. Another awesome thing that sets Krebs cycle apart from the other metabolic pathways is it is the only pathway that will burn fat along with carbs and protein for energy production. When energy is metabolized, it is a chemical reaction that is the product in the breakdown of carbs, fats and protein, in which energy is made. Krebs cycle is the only true way that fat is utilized as an energy source. That is the thing we are trying to get rid of, right? Do not get too excited though, this process will not last forever. The more you exercise, the more energy that is being used. Eventually, the body will make a switch from burning fat to burning carbs instead.


Today we talked about Krebs cycle and how in the fitness world, it is the metabolic pathway of choice when it comes to long, sustainable, fat burning energy. It also does great with changing the food we eat into energy as well. This helps to put more emphasis on what you eat so your body can use it to help do what you are calling for it to do in and even outside the gym. Krebs cycle also breaks the paradigm of energy because it actually saves energy to make more energy.


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