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7 Tips to Lose Fat Faster

We’ve all heard the standard mantra of weight loss “eat less, move more.”


And, there’s a lot of truth behind that phrase. It isn’t cliche, nor is it a bunch of hype.


If you want to lose weight, you will need to be in an energy deficit whereby you burn more calories than you consume in a day and the most efficient way to accomplish that end goal is through a combination of exercise (move more) and reducing calorie intake (eat less).


But, what about those of you reading this who want to progress beyond the “standard” and get the lean, sleek midsection you see in photos?


That’s where this article comes into play.


Here are seven expert tips to lose fat faster!


Top 7 Tips to Lose Fat Faster


#1 Adjust Your Mindset


All change in life begins with an attitude adjustment. You need to break the vicious cycle of the perennial dieter that’s always hopping on and off different diet bandwagons.


Commit right now (not next week, not next month, not New Year’s) to making a change for the better.


Tell yourself “I can do it!”


If you’ve struggled in the past, chalk it up to inexperience and move on. There’s no need to dwell on previous mistakes and missteps. By all means, learn from them, but don’t dwell on them.


You are now embarking on a fantastic and exciting journey, one that many individuals who enter our transformation challenges have traversed and conquered!


Set a specific goal in mind.


For instance, say, “I want to lose 10 pounds over the next 8 week” instead of saying “I want to lose weight.


Setting specific, realistic, attainable, and measurable goals is crucial to losing fat faster and getting the results you want.


Understand that living the fit, healthy life will require changes. You need to train hard and eat well. You don’t need to overly restrict your calories or follow any wacky workouts, but you do need to reduce your calorie intake moderately in order to facilitate weight loss.


If you need help figuring out how many calories you need to lose weight, click here.


#2 Lift Weights


Cutting calories is only one piece (albeit a very important piece) of rapid fat loss. The other crucial cog in your body’s fat burning machine is performing the right type of exercise.


For years, it was preached that long bouts of cardio were the way to blast fat, but the truth is that the focus of your weekly exercise program should be on resistance training.


Lifting weights helps retain and build muscle, and when you have more muscle, your body naturally burns a larger amount of calories throughout the day.


Moreover, intense exercise protocols like resistance training, HIIT, or sprints not only increase metabolism during the workout but for several hours afterward too.


Finally, resistance training also improves your aesthetics so that when you are finished dieting, you’re left with curves in all the right places. Individuals that omit resistance training programs and pursue aggressive diets quite often end up with the skinny fat look. This is due to not performing resistance training and not consuming enough protein.


Basically, if you want a lean, trim, and toned body, resistance training is essential during your diet.


#3 Eat a High-Protein Diet


Speaking of protein, consuming adequate protein each day is vital to losing body fat and not muscle.


The reason for this is that when you're cutting calories your body is more apt to start breaking down muscle tissue to get amino acids for energy.


Consuming enough protein each day helps guard against the catabolic activities of dieting. And, don’t forget to perform resistance training as that too helps ward off muscle loss during periods of lower calorie intake.


Moreover, research shows that consuming high-protein diets also helps reduce calorie intake throughout the day.[6,7] This is due to protein’s high satiety factor, which means it helps keep you feeling fuller for longer. Protein also requires more energy (calories) to digest than either carbohydrates or fat. So, not only does protein help you to eat fewer calories during the day, it also increases how many calories your body burns each day, providing a tremendous fat-burning double whammy!


Dieting or not, many individuals (possibly even you) have difficulty consuming enough protein each day.


Protein powders offer a delicious, convenient, and affordable option to supplement your protein intake, thus ensuring you stay on track with your calorie and macronutrient goals for fat loss.


Even better, protein powders are low in carbohydrates, fat, and calories while still being high in protein, which means that even on the most reduced-calorie diets, you can still work in a scoop or two per day, depending on your needs.


1UP offers an extensive line of top-rated protein powders, including our best-selling whey protein and all-natural Organic Vegan Protein.


Simply mix up a serving in your favorite beverage and have it any time of day. Protein powders are particularly excellent as a post-workout meal as they’re rapidly digested, supplying broken down muscles with the essential building blocks they need to repair and recover.


#4 Increase Your Fruit & Veggie Intake


Fruits and vegetables are fiber-rich micronutrient powerhouses that help fill you up without taking a huge chunk out of your daily calorie limits. Eating fiber-rich foods also helps slow the speed of digestion and increase satiety, both of which help you eat less, stay on track with your diet, and burn more fat.


Research also shows that individuals who consume more fiber lose more weight over time.


In fact, a scientific review found that increasing fiber intake by 14 grams per day was associated with a 10% reduction in calorie intake.[1] Moreover, the same review also noted that individuals consuming higher fiber diets lost more weight over a 4-month period.


Unfortunately, most individuals consume far below the current recommended fiber intake of 25-30 grams per day.


Fiber is found in all sorts of fat burning foods, including:

  • Fruits
  • Vegetables
  • Legumes
  • Whole grains
  • Nuts
  • Seeds


These same foods also supply the body with powerful antioxidants, vitamins, and minerals which support the natural fat burning pathways in the body.


#5 Go for a Walk


This may be one of the best kept secrets for effortless fat loss -- walking.


It might seem simple, and most of you reading this wouldn’t even classify it as “exercise.”


But, the truth is that incorporating more walks into your daily life can seriously increase the number of calories you burn each day, which helps you lose fat faster!


Better still is the fact that walking won’t impair your recovery from resistance training (like other cardio options can), and it may actually enhance your recovery since it increases circulation which helps remove waste metabolites and supply tired muscles with oxygen and nutrient-rich blood.


Walking also gets you outdoors, which helps your body produce vitamin D.


Research shows that higher vitamin D levels are associated with reduced weight gain.[2]


#6 Add Probiotics to Your Diet


The gut microbiome has been the subject of intense research the past few years. No doubt you’ve read your fair share of articles, blog posts, and social media captions highlighting the importance the microbiome plays in all aspects of life, including everything from mood to immune function to the appearance of your hair, skin, and nails.[3]


Well, it should come as little surprise then that probiotics (and your gut bacteria) play an important part in weight loss.


A recent scientific review found that individuals who took probiotics experienced significantly larger reductions in body weight, body fat percentage, and body mass index (BMI) compared to those who took a placebo.[4]


Another study found that taking a probiotic supplement helped prevent fat gain in healthy young adults following a high-fat, high-calorie diet.[5]


Due to the importance the gut microbiome plays not only in weight loss but also optimal health and wellness, we’ve developed a comprehensive digestive health support supplement in 1UP Gut Health.


1UP Gut Health contains a 13-strain probiotics complex along with a comprehensive digestive enzyme matrix as well as prebiotics to support gut health on multiple fronts.


#7 Use the Right Supplements


Once your diet, training, and sleep habits are in check, the final piece of the puzzle to help lose fat faster is using the right supplements.


Fat burners have gotten a bad rap over the years, largely due to overblown claims and poor formulations.


And, the reality is that without you putting in the work in the kitchen and in the gym, no amount of fat burners will actually help you lose weight.


But, when you have all of your ducks in a row, the application of the right fat burning supplements (caffeine, green tea, yohimbine, etc.) can greatly improve your results.


Weight loss supplements bolster the fat loss process in a number of ways.


First, they can help increase energy and motivation, helping you to train harder, delay fatigue, and burn more calories.


Second, weight loss aids also contain ingredients that help reduce appetite, which can help you stick to your calorie targets for the day.


Third, weight loss support supplements also contain ingredients that upregulate fat burning processes in the body and downregulate fat storage mechanisms.


1UP Nutrition has created an extensive array of fat burners to suit the needs of men and women looking to lose fat faster.


From out daytime, stimulant-inclusive fat burners, such as Pro Ripped Max and Make Her Lean Max, to our non-stimulant, nighttime recovery and weight loss aids Recharge PM and Beauty Dream PM, 1UP offers you comprehensive weight loss support around the clock.


We’ve even created a top-rate Appetite Suppressant to help you deal with those pesky hunger cravings that inevitably pop up when you’re dieting for fat loss.




There are many ways to lose weight, but they all involve reducing calorie intake and increasing levels of physical activity.


High-carb diets and low-carb diets are equally effective for fat loss. Which one works best for you is a matter of preference and personal experimentation.


And, if you’re looking to enhance your results and lose fat faster, try the tips detailed above and let us know how they work for you!



  1. Howarth NC, Saltzman E, Roberts SB. Dietary fiber and weight regulation. Nutr Rev. 2001 May;59(5):129-39. doi: 10.1111/j.1753-4887.2001.tb07001.x. PMID: 11396693.
  2. LeBlanc ES, Rizzo JH, Pedula KL, et al. Associations between 25-hydroxyvitamin D and weight gain in elderly women. J Womens Health (Larchmt). 2012;21(10):1066-1073. doi:10.1089/jwh.2012.3506
  3. West CE, Renz H, Jenmalm MC, Kozyrskyj AL, Allen KJ, Vuillermin P, Prescott SL; in-FLAME Microbiome Interest Group. The gut microbiota and inflammatory noncommunicable diseases: associations and potentials for gut microbiota therapies. J Allergy Clin Immunol. 2015 Jan;135(1):3-13; quiz 14. doi: 10.1016/j.jaci.2014.11.012. PMID: 25567038.
  4. Borgeraas H, Johnson LK, Skattebu J, Hertel JK, Hjelmesaeth J. Effects of probiotics on body weight, body mass index, fat mass and fat percentage in subjects with overweight or obesity: a systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Obes Rev. 2018 Feb;19(2):219-232. doi: 10.1111/obr.12626. Epub 2017 Oct 18. PMID: 29047207.
  5. Osterberg KL, Boutagy NE, McMillan RP, Stevens JR, Frisard MI, Kavanaugh JW, Davy BM, Davy KP, Hulver MW. Probiotic supplementation attenuates increases in body mass and fat mass during high-fat diet in healthy young adults. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2015 Dec;23(12):2364-70. doi: 10.1002/oby.21230. Epub 2015 Oct 14. PMID: 26466123.
  6. Leidy HJ, Tang M, Armstrong CL, Martin CB, Campbell WW. The effects of consuming frequent, higher protein meals on appetite and satiety during weight loss in overweight/obese men. Obesity (Silver Spring). 2011 Apr;19(4):818-24. doi: 10.1038/oby.2010.203. Epub 2010 Sep 16. PMID: 20847729; PMCID: PMC4564867.
  7. Weigle DS, Breen PA, Matthys CC, Callahan HS, Meeuws KE, Burden VR, Purnell JQ. A high-protein diet induces sustained reductions in appetite, ad libitum caloric intake, and body weight despite compensatory changes in diurnal plasma leptin and ghrelin concentrations. Am J Clin Nutr. 2005 Jul;82(1):41-8. doi: 10.1093/ajcn.82.1.41. PMID: 16002798.

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