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Male Transformation - Jayden Barnum

Congratulations to our 2024 New Year 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Male 2nd place $6,000 cash prize winner Jayden Barnum @jayden_barnum 


This is his story:


“Over the past few years I found myself getting heavier and heavier and more out of shape. This year, like everyone, I had aspersions to make a change. I didn’t have any plan in place until my good friend Alexander Jay Baker told me about this 8 week transformation challenge he was doing, and he encouraged me to join. I decided I’d give it a shot, I figured for just eight weeks I’d give it my all and see where I end up. To be honest, leading up to the challenge I still had little to no plan other than buying the ultimate weight loss stack (which was great!). The only thing I knew, was that I would commit myself to extreme self discipline. One thing very important to me was to seek for divine help. I prayed to God for strength and guidance. I know that he cares about our health, and truly believe He delivered. I was blessed to find and join a great training program and stick to a diet. I was blessed with incredible friends and family that were also committed to keeping me accountable and encouraging me. As long as I stayed disciplined, I had all the tools I needed to make a change. That being said not a day went by without being tempted to cheat on my diet or skip the gym. I don’t have any crazy secrets to my transformation. The only thing I’d say is how important discipline and commitment is. Motivation isn’t worth waiting for. If I only kept my diet or went to the gym on the days I was motivated, I wouldn’t have made an ounce of progress. I’m extremely grateful for 1Up hosting this challenge. Their products are quality, and they provided an opportunity for me to make a change. I love and thank my Heavenly Father for blessing me to have had the means, resources, and loved ones to achieve my goals. I ultimately lost nearly 50 pounds and ten percent body fat. To anyone that is looking to make a change, just go for it! You may fail, but do not give up. Learn from your errors, and keep going! Discipline is key!”


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