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Male Transformation - Casey Lass

Download the 1UP Fitness APP and sign up for the 8 week Summer 1UP Transformation challenge Today!


Congratulations to our 2022 Spring 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Male 3rd place $4,000 cash prize winner Casey Lass @lass.casey


This is his story


“My journey began this year when my wife and I decided we wanted to get back to where we were when we first met. Life was just flying by for me after we had our first son. I’ve been on autopilot for 5 years, it was only supposed to be for 9 months! I slowly grew out of my pants and shirts 1 size at a time. Pizzas, burgers, fried food, and everything that I knew wasn't good for me was making its way into my life! I knew I needed to change and so my wife found this 1UP challenge and said "do you want to enter it?'' I said "I've never heard of 1UP, but it sounds good. Let's do it!" We signed up, ordered our supplements, and got meal prepping materials. We flipped the switch and started working out every morning 6 days a week at 5:00am. In the beginning it sucked waking up, I didn't want to do it. I was sore and felt like a freight train hit me for the first couple of weeks. No matter how much I just wanted to sleep, I woke up, showed up and did my workout. Some days felt great, some not so great. Each week got better, the mornings got easier, and by week 4 I was feeling great! I climbed out of the rut I was stuck in, which was really just a shallow grave getting deeper everyday! I became stronger mentally and physically! By week 7 & 8 people were complimenting me, and asking what I was doing, you look great! When the results came out, I got a call from my wife at work, she said "you took 3rd!!" I had tears in my eyes and was overcome with joy! I want to thank God for helping me overcome! I want to thank my wife for all the support! I want to thank 1UP for putting this challenge on and helping people like myself become better. I would just like to encourage anyone who is reading this to never give up. Its never too late to start your journey!  The "Challenge" may be over but my journey has just begun! No going back, only reaching forward for the next goal. Go start your journey!”


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