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Female Transformation - Jamie Hopkins

Download the 1UP Fitness APP and sign up for the 8 Week Summer 1UP Transformation C Today!


Congratulations to our 2023 Spring 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Female 4th place $3,000 cash prize winner Jamie Hopkins 


This is her story:


“I have entered the 1up challenge about six times but this was the first time I completed one. The other challenges my goal was to just make myself look good after ending a fifteen year relationship/marriage. I would only get two or three weeks in, and I would come up with an excuse, and tell myself I’d try harder next time.


This time around, my divorce was finalized, and I had moved across state. I was reading posts on the 1UP Facebook page and read a post from Sam, “What is your why”.  I felt that post was meant for me, as weird as that sounds. I looked at my two little ones and cried. Yeah, I wanted to look good but that was not my why.


I registered for the challenge, ordered my favorite products and started writing down my plan. Workouts were fun some days and hard on others, but I looked at my kids and pushed through.

I feel great now. I have so much more energy. I feel more like my real age, and I’m finally getting my confidence, which I never really had before. I’m so grateful for finding 1UP Nutrition!


If you’re thinking of joining, do it!  Not every day is going to be easy, but it will be worth it. Even if it’s a small improvement, just keep pushing.”


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