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Female Transformation - Deondra White

Download the 1UP Fitness APP and sign up for the 8 week Fall 1UP Transformation challenge Today!


Congratulations to our 2022 Summer 8 Week #1uptransformationchallenge Female 4th place $3,000 cash prize winner Denise’s White @deondrawhite31


This is her story


“ First off, I’d like to say that before I entered this challenge, I had never heard of 1UP Nutrition before. I was never a big social media user so 1UP was a total surprise to me. One day I picked up my phone and saw the 1UP challenge pulled up on Facebook. Until this day I have no idea how it popped up so I know that it was a divine intervention! Thank you God! I knew that this was God’s answer to my prayers. I had been praying and praying for a huge change physically, mentally and spiritually. I lost myself after the passing of my mother and became a shell of who I once was. Then, my daddy, cousin and even my dog died soon after. My self esteem was so low and I didn’t know how to get out of that rut. Just thinking about becoming fit seemed like such a daunting task. Well I’m here to say and testify that it was not as hard as I thought it would be.1UP Nutrition’s supplements made me feel young again; like I could do anything I put my mind to. The “Make Her Lean Max” and “L-Carnitine” made me want to work out and do my absolute best every single day. During the challenge I had tunnel vision because I was fed up with the depressed version of me. In the past my biggest obstacle would be overeating but the 1UP supplements crushed my cravings for unhealthy food and helped me so much. I’m turning 40 this week and I’ve never felt better. This is only the beginning and I’m excited for the future. I have learned how to push myself to the limit because that’s how I see improvements. When it comes to workouts, I like to do what I love. If you like to swim, swim. If you like to run, run. I love power walking! My body and mind are so happy right now! 1UP Nutrition! Keep doing what you’re doing because you guys are literally changing lives and bank accounts. LOL. I love Y'all! During the next challenge I will be more active on social media so that I can better capture my next transformation.”


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