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Challenge Winner Jason Rodie

We want to give a Huge shout out to our New Years 8 week #1uptransformationchallenge 2nd place winner Jason Rodie @limpinainteazy on all of his hard work and amazing transformation!


This is his story 👇


I started my fitness journey to challenge myself to be in the best physical shape I could at this point in my life. I wanted to keep muscle with losing some weight and show myself what I am capable of. I had  ups and downs with the competition: I had to be consistent in my workouts and eating while juggling life as a Father, Husband and business owner. I had to find a way to get to the gym every day and make sure I was getting my food intake. Creating a plan and seeing on paper how much I needed to consume food wise was one thing, but executing on it was another. I wasn't used to eating so much food consistently throughout the day, but managed to stay on track and could quickly see the results. Some days I was not motivated to train or do cardio. I had to talk myself into getting to the gym. I had to envision the end result and remember the time was going to pass anyway what was I going to do in that moment to achieve my goals I set out for?


1UP Nutrition was vital to my success using the group chats online for advice on different workouts specifically addressed to help meet my goals. I derived tons of motivation from others doing the competition and seeing their journeys as well. It inspired me and was a cool thing to be a part of. 1up really went above and beyond to ensure I had all of the necessary supplements I needed in combination with workout advice to achieve my highest potential. I could feel the difference in my workouts, getting in those extra pumps and the energy in my daily life. The greatest thing for me about working out is it is forever evolving. As I change physically, my mental state changes and my goals change. I feel more confident and strong. I stuck it out when I didn't feel I was getting quick enough results or when it felt like I was taking from my family and losing time with them having to get to the gym. I was incredibly proud when I could see the changes and feel the results. My life isn't the same and it's for the better! "



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