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Athlete Kathy

“ 2012➡️2018

Stepping into the gym was never something I thought I would be comfortable doing and let alone doing for enjoyment. My journey started about 6 years ago with several doctors visits where things were happening inside my body that was leading me on my way to health problems if I didn’t make a change or act now. After several different protocols and procedures things were still not getting better. I decided to make a change. I started to focus on my nutrition from the inside out. I started eating better and exercising for my body and my mind just to relieve stress. Little did I know that I would fall in love with the process of taking better care of myself with these changes. I know that it sounds obvious that we should take care of ourselves, but through the power of healing and taking care of my body, I became stronger every day just by making small changes everyday to my daily lifestyle and habits.


Since making changes to my life, I have been happy, healthy, and cleared from each doctors visit. Ever since then I’ve never stop this journey and want to inspire others to do the the same by reminding you all to take care of yourselves inside and out. Remember to always keep fighting for yourself. It only gets better from here.❤️ “


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