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Ambassador Lorna Perozzo

Please read her story ๐Ÿ‘‡


โ€œ 2009 --> 2017.

Although many of you follow me because you enjoy my workout videos, I want you to feel like you can connect & relate to me. I want you to have a better understanding of who I am aside from my videos because I'm not just some girl who posts workout videos. I am someone who has been through a mental & physical transformation.


I'm not perfect (far from that); I've had ups and downs just like any other individual. I went from being a competitive dancer, to a bodybuilder, to someone who trains for life - to be healthy & happy.


Without even recognizing it, I've had body image issues almost all of my life. Coming from a dancing background, I've always wanted to be thin & I was always concerned with how I looked. When I began gaining weight (in a good way), people would mention that I've been putting on weight which really messed with my head. Remember I was only a young teen at this point & let's be honest, no one wants to be told they are putting on weight (especially since I was so young and didn't quite understand that people were saying it in the best way possible - that I was looking healthier)


The point I want to show you here is that WE ALL GO THROUGH STRUGGLES. We are all human. We all start somewhere. I want you to take whatever it is you may be struggling with or whatever you have struggled with in the past and tell yourself you are strong, capable, beautiful and you can overcome anything that comes your wayโ€


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