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Tips on How to Build Your Own Workout Plan

The internet is loaded with workout plans and fitness personalities and “experts”. All this information and apparent knowledge can be very overwhelming for a person. The benefit of this is having options to choose from to see what works best. The issue is there will always be a “better” than the current best and you have the misfortune of trying to find out what that is.


So, some people have opted out from looking at predesigned programs and workouts and trying to customize something for themselves. This is a great approach for people if they do it effectively. This gives you the chance to be your own fitness personality and expert because who knows you better than you other than you?


Here are some tips to making your best workout plan:

  1. Be realistic with your schedule

This does not mean not to challenge yourself and make time, but do not set unrealistic goals for yourself. If you are not a morning person, maybe starting out you should keep workouts during the day or afternoon. Also, if you have a hectic schedule because of family and/or work, start off with maybe 3 days a week and work your way into more as time goes on.

  1. Know your goals

This is where the internet is helpful in regard to giving information of certain exercises and what works good for what. Figure out what you really want to change. Do you want to build more muscle? Lose fat and be lean? Knowing what exercises and movements are suitable for your goals are important. Do not just simply do what other people say works for them.

  1. Respect your physical limits

This may be a humbling one for many. You will need to hold into account past injuries or even medical conditions. Challenging yourself is important, but there is no need to put yourself in the hospital in the process. If you have shoulder problems or back problems, doing deadlifts or military presses may be out of the question to start. Or if you have a heart condition, HIIT or CrossFit may need to be put off for later.

  1. Find a like-minded person

See if a buddy or someone you know would like to join you in this endeavor. Now, this does not mean they will have the same plan as you but sitting down to devise your own plans together can help. Think of it like you are comparing notes or providing feedback for each other. Encouragement also comes with this.

  1. Reform something current

Use a current workout method or approach and use it as a template for yourself. You do not need to do everything that it says but alter and switch certain things that are realistic and suitable for you.


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