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Hormone Support Plus Ingredient Spotlight

1UP Hormone Support Plus is a comprehensive women’s health supplement formulated to support menstrual regulation, mood, skin health, and metabolism.


It contains a diverse lineup of wellness-promoting nutrients, several of which you may not be familiar with.


Today, we take a deep dive into some of the “key players” in this premium-quality women’s health supplement, starting with one of the most intriguing ingredients in the formula...myo-inositol.



What Does Myo-Inositol Do?


For starters, myo-inositol is the precursor of inositol triphosphate.


It acts as an intracellular second messenger and regulates a number of important hormones such as thyroid-stimulating hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH), and insulin.


Inositol also affects neurotransmission in the body. Neurotransmitters are chemical messengers that relay information within the brain. They impact everything from mood to motivation to decision-making and even metabolism!


Benefits of Myo-Inositol


May Help Women with PCOS


PCOS(polycystic ovary syndrome) is an endocrine, reproductive and metabolic disorder, affecting at least 5–10% of all reproductive-age women, across the globe.


PCOS is also the most common cause of menstrual disorders, ovarian dysfunction, and infertility of women.[1]


Even more alarming are the host of other metabolic and physiological complications that can occur in women with PCOS, including:

  • Insulin resistance
  • Weight gain
  • Androgen excess
  • Irregular menstrual cycles
  • Polycystic ovaries
  • Acne


Additionally, PCOS is also associated with several long-term health conditions, including:

  • Type 2 diabetes
  • Obesity
  • Cardiovascular disease
  • Infertility
  • Psychological distress


Supplementation with a combination of myo-inositol and folic acid has been noted to help improve PCOS symptoms, reduce blood triglycerides, and improve insulin function.[6]


Other research suggests that the combination of myo-inositol and folic acid may promote ovulation in women with fertility issues due to PCOS.[7]


May Improve Metabolic Syndrome Risk Factors


“Metabolic syndrome” is a collection of conditions that increases a person's risk for heart attack and stroke.


Risk factors include:

  • High blood pressure
  • High blood sugar
  • Abnormal cholesterol levels
  • Excess body fat around the waist, and abnormal cholesterol levels. The syndrome i


Several studies note that supplementing with inositol supplements may be beneficial for those with metabolic syndrome.[12,13]


One study, in particular, inositol supplementation helped lower blood triglyceride levels by an average 34% and total cholesterol by 22%.[14]


Researchers also noted improvements in blood sugar and blood pressure.


May Help Prevent Gestational Diabetes


Many women develop high blood sugar during pregnancy, a condition referred to as gestational diabetes.


Since inositol seems to affect insulin function, researchers believe supplementation with it may help reduce the onset of symptoms.


And, in fact, a handful of human studies indicate that a combination of 4,000mg of myo-inositol and 400 mcg of folic acid may be helpful in preventing gestational diabetes during pregnancy.[15,16]


May Support Mental Health


Research has documented a link between lower levels of inositol in the brain and individuals with anxiety, depression and compulsive disorders,[8]


Studies note that inositol can increase dopamine and serotonin receptor density in the brain, suggesting it may play an important role in behavior.[9,10]


Suggested Dose of Myo-Inositol


Dosages for myo-inositol supplements vary widely, in part due to the large number of studies investigating it as well as the situations in which myo-inositol supplementation is used.


But, overall, the most common dosage used is 2,000 mg + 200 mcg of folic acid twice daily for 6 months.[1,4,5,12,13,14]


1UP Hormone Support Plus contains a robust 2,000mg Myo-Inositol per serving.



    Now that you’ve run through the crash course on all things myo-inositol, let’s turn our attention to the next ingredient in Hormone Support Plus -- KSM-66.


    What is KSM-66?


    KSM-66 is a premium-quality full-spectrum ashwagandha extract containing the highest concentration of all major root-only extracts available today.


    It is produced using a proprietary extraction process, without using alcohol or any other chemical solvent.


    Now, many of you may be asking “what is ashwagandha?”


    Well, ashwagandha is a small, woody shrub officially known as Withania Somnifera. It has been a staple of Ayurveda (Traditional Indian Medicine) for centuries. In fact, some studies indicate it has been used as far back as 6,000 BC![17]


    Ashwagandha means “smell of horse” and refers to the pungent smell of the plant as well as the belief that using the herb would give men the virility and strength of a horse.


    You may also find ashwagandha listed under one of its other monikers such as “Indian Winter Cherry” and “Indian Ginseng,” among others.


    What Does KSM-66 Ashwagandha Do?


    Traditionally, Ashwagandha was used to enhance vigor and vitality, but it was also used to promote optimal function of the brain, nervous system, and reproductive system.


    It’s even been used as a natural remedy to boost immune function due to its antioxidant and immunomodulatory actions. [17]


    Ashwagandha is also used to enhance sleep, since it helps reduce stress and anxiety while also fostering a sense of calmness.


    Ashwagandha can seemingly do it all, and the reason for this is that the plant is first and foremost anadaptogen.


    Adaptogens are non-toxic plants that “enhance the state of nonspecific resistance.”[18]


    Basically, adaptogens help improve the body’s ability to encounter, react, and recover from stress, both psychological and physical.


    Due to this, adaptogens like ashwagandha confer several beneficial effects, including[18]:

    • Anti-fatigue
    • Anxiolytic
    • Antidepressive
    • Neuroprotective,
    • Nootropic,
    • CNS-stimulating


    Benefits of KSM-66 Ashwagandha


    Ashwagandha has been clinically shown to help[19,20,21,22]:


    • Significantly reduce stress, anxiety, and cortisol levels
    • Decrease stress-induced food cravings
    • Boost memory and cognitive function
    • Increase endurance, strength, and rate of muscle recovery
    • Improve sexual performance health in both men and women
    • Support thyroid function


    Furthermore, other studies indicate that ashwagandha supplementation may help obese individuals lose weight by limiting their overeating.


    Suggested Dose of KSM-66 Ashwagandha


    Given the enormous popularity of Ashwagandha and numerous benefits it offers, it’s no wonder that there are a great variety of Ashwagandha extracts -- some are good quality, some are not.


    The biggest differences between the different Ashwagandha extracts are their quality and withanolide content.


    Generic ashwagandha extracts (which are usually listed on supplement facts panels as “Ashwagandha”) are typically standardized to 2.5% withanolides. These extracts also tend to be made from the roots andleaves of the plant.


    While these are “decent,” you generally have to use a significantly greater amount of it to get the effects described above.


    1UP Nutrition’s preferred form of ashwagandha is KSM-66® developed by Ixoreal. This form of Ashwagandha has been extensively researched in both chronically stressed individuals as well as healthy, athletic ones.


    KSM-66® is standardized to 5% withanolides and retains the ratios of all the bioactive plant compounds as they are in nature.


    Effective dosages of KSM-66 used in research range between 300-600mg per day.


    1UP Hormone Support Plus supplies 300mg KSM-66 per serving.


    The next ingredient we turn our attention to is another mood-boosting, stress-relieving one in 5-HTP.



    What is 5-HTP?


    5-HTP stands for 5-hydroxytryptophan.


    It is a naturally occurring amino acid, and it is also the direct precursor to serotonin[23], a neurotransmitter most often associated with heightened mood and feelings of well-being.


    However, that only begins to scratch the surface of this neurotransmitter's responsibilities in the body.


    Serotonin also impacts cognition, reward, learning, and memory. It even plays a role in blood flow as it acts as a vasoconstrictor.[24]


    Low serotonin levels are associated with sleep disorders, anxiety, depression, weight gain and other health complications.


    You might also be interested to know that the gut is responsible for producing around ~90% of all serotonin in the body. This hammers home the importance of maintaining a healthy gut.


    What Does 5-HTP Do?


    Since 5-HTP is made in the body and it ultimately turns into serotonin, you might be wondering why not just supplement with pure serotonin.


    Well, for starters, serotonin cannot cross the blood-brain barrier. 5-HTP on the other hand can readily cross the blood-brain barrier, where it can then be converted into serotonin.[23]


    Benefits of 5-HTP


    Supports Weight Loss


    One of serotonin’s other important functions in the body is that of an appetite suppressant.


    When you’re dieting, your body naturally produces more hormones that make you hungrier, such as ghrelin.


    Studies using 5-HTP supplements note that it can help to increase feelings of fullness and suppress appetite, both of which help weight loss.[25]


    Furthermore, research has also found that 5-HTP may help limit carbohydrate intake, which helps keep more stable blood sugar levels.[26]


    Boosts Mood


    Due to the impact serotonin has on mood and feelings of well-being, it comes as little surprise that 5-HTP has been heavily investigated as a means to combat feelings of depression.


    Several studies have found that 5-HTP were effective for helping reduce symptoms of depression.[27,28]


    Supports Healthy Sleep


    Melatonin is the hormone that governs our circadian rhythm (sleep-wake cycle).


    It is produced in the body from serotonin, which is created from 5-HTP.


    Based on this, supplementing with 5-HTP may promote sleep by increasing melatonin production in your body.


    And, human study has found that supplementing with 5-HTP alongside GABA (the body’s primary inhibitory neurotransmitter) decreased sleep latency (how long it takes to fall asleep), increased sleep duration and improved sleep quality.[29]


    May Help Reduce Migraines


    If you’ve never had a migraine before, consider yourself lucky.


    Basically, migraines are severe throbbing headaches involving sensitivity to light and sound, and, more often than not, leading to nausea and vomiting.


    Researchers believe migraines (at least in part) can be attributed to low serotonin levels.[30] This has led scientists to investigate whether 5-htp supplementation may help reduce the onset or severity of migraines.


    And, it just so happens, that 5-HTP appears to be beneficial as many studies have found that 5-HTP supplementation may be an effective treatment option for individuals battling migraines.[31,32]


    Suggested Dose of 5-HTP


    5-HTP has been used across a range of dosages between 50-300mg per day.


    Dosages used in the studies reference above include:


    • For mood enhancement: 50-100mg, 3x per day with a meal

    • For weight management: 250-300mg, 30 minutes prior to eating

    • As a sleep aid: 100-300mg, 30-45 minutes prior to bed, preferably stacked with GABA

    • For migraines: 100-200mg, 2-3x per day with a meal


    1UP Hormone Support Plus supplies 100mg 5-HTP per serving.


    Now, it’s worth mentioning that individuals should exercise caution when supplementing with serotonin or dopamine-promoting agents like 5-HTP, L-Tyrosine, or L-Dopa.


    The reason for this is that the body maintains a tight balance between serotonin and dopamine.


    Over supplementing with the precursor for one neurotransmitter (serotonin or dopamine) can result in depletion of the other.[23]


    For example, over supplementing with 5-HTP can negatively affect dopamine production in the body and over supplementing with L-Dopa or L-Tyrosine can cause depletion of serotonin.


    This is why it’s generally advised to supplement with these nutrients in moderation or supplement with them in a balanced manner.


    This is why 1UP Hormone Support Plus also supplies 500mg L-Tyrosine per serving.


    Up next, we discuss one of the most versatile minerals / electrolytes in the body -- Magnesium.



    What is Magnesium?


    Magnesium is the fourth most abundant mineral in the body and plays important roles in over 300 enzymatic reactions in the body.


    Magnesium also serves as an important constituent of bone and plays a critical role in bone mineralization, in part by influencing the synthesis of active vitamin D metabolites. These metabolites support intestinal absorption of two other important minerals -- calcium and phosphorus.


    Despite the importance of magnesium, some studies indicate that up to 75% of Americans don’t get enough each day.[33]


    What Does Magnesium Do?


    Magnesium impacts a wide range of functions in the body, including:


    • Nerve and muscle function
    • Regular heart rate
    • Bone and teeth formation
    • Immune system
    • Blood sugar regulation
    • Energy transportation
    • Protein synthesis


    Deficiencies in this essential mineral and electrolyte can lead to nausea, vomiting, weakness, fatigue, muscle twitches and cramps, high blood pressure, and loss of appetite.[34]


    Suggested Dose of Magnesium


    Recommended daily allowance (RDA) or adequate intake (AI) for women ages 19-30 is 310mg per day and for women ages 31-50 320mg per day.


    1UP Hormone Support Plus supplies 150mg magnesium per serving as TRAACS® Magnesium Bisglycinate Chelate



    What is Glutathione?


    Glutathione is an incredibly powerful antioxidant found within every cell of your body.


    It’s made of three amino acids -- cysteine, glycine, and glutamic acid.[35]


    The body can produce its own supply of glutathione, but a number of factors can inhibit the body’s ability to synthesize this powerful antioxidant, such as stress, poor diet, age, and environmental toxins.


    Fortunately, glutathione can also be supplemented through a number of means including orally, topically, and intravenously.


    What Does Glutathione Do?


    As an antioxidant, glutathione is tasked with keeping free radicals and oxidative stress in check, thereby preventing damage to important cellular components.


    But there’s more.


    Glutathione is also involved in detoxification of endogenous and xenobiotic compounds.


    And, glutathione also:

    • Serves as a cofactor for several other antioxidant enzymes
    • Assists in the regeneration of vitamins C and E (two powerful antioxidants)
    • Neutralizes free radicals produced by Phase I liver metabolism of chemical toxins
    • Removes mercury from cells in the body as well as the brain
    • Regulates of cellular proliferation and apoptosis (programmed cell death)
    • Supports mitochondrial function and maintenance of mitochondrial DNA


    Benefits of Glutathione

    Reduce Oxidative Stress


    The most direct benefit of glutathione (be it endogenous or supplemental) is its ability to help limit the proliferation of free radicals and reduce oxidative stress in the body.


    Excessive oxidative stress is known to be a precursor to numerous chronic diseases including diabetes, cancer, and rheumatoid arthritis.




    Oxidative stress is a contributing factor to aging both internally (at the cellular level) as well externally (at the skin level).


    Research notes that supplementation with 250mg per day of Glutathione can increase skin elasticity and improve wrinkles.


    May Improve Insulin Function


    Low glutathione levels are associated with increased rates of body fat storage and decreased rates of fat burning.[36]


    When researchers had subjects increase their intake of the two glutathione building blocks -- cysteine and glycine -- their glutathione levels increased, which ultimately resulted in greater fat burning and an improvement in insulin resistance.[36]


    Reduces Cell Damage in Fatty Liver Disease


    Deficiencies in glutathione and other antioxidants can amplify cell death in the liver, which can lead to fatty liver disease.


    Glutathione has been shown to improve liver enzyme, protein, and bilirubin levels in individuals with alcoholic and nonalcoholic chronic fatty liver disease.[38]


    Suggested Dose of Glutathione


    Glutathione has been well researched and is generally well-tolerated by subjects in research settings.


    Dosages vary depending on the degree of deficiency as well as the symptoms being treated in the study. Several studies though have used dosages ranging between 250-500mg per day Glutathione.


    1UP Hormone Support Plus supplies 250mg L-Glutathione per serving


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