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Ambassador Chad Morgan

“ My passions before fitness were GAMING, basketball, and baseball. Gaming, in particular, took over my life in middle school. I skipped meals, stayed in my room all day, pulled all-nighters, and made Call of Duty Youtube videos. I was ADDICTED.


Moving on to high school I was always the smallest kid on my baseball/basketball team wearing the smallest sized jersey. I got made fun of for being skinny and became very self-conscious. I never let anyone know about it but myself.


High school is where I developed that competitive mindset and found a love for conditioning/training. I honestly liked conditioning workouts for baseball and basketball more than the actual practices.


I graduated as a 159 pound 6 footer. With sports no longer in my life, I had to find something. I always desired to have those washboard abs and big arms throughout high school because truth be told I wanted to get girls’ attention and feel more confident.


Boom, bodybuilding became my thing. Fast forward 2.5 years since I started and I’m a lean 192 pounds feeling confident, loving what I do, and pursuing a career in helping others reach their health & fitness goals just like I did.


My biggest tip to someone just starting is to COMMIT, gain knowledge over time, set goals, stay consistent, and stay disciplined. “


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